OEM 3 Button Remote Key Fob for Volkswagen 5K0837202AM

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Part Numbers: 5K0 837 202 AM
3 Buttons: Lock, Unlock and Boot
Transponder: ID48
Frequency: 433 Mhz
Battery Type: 2032 
Key Blade: Included  


More Information
Vehicle MakeVolkswagen
TypeRemote Key

OEM remote key supplied without original packaging

Part Numbers: 5K0 837 202 AM
3 Buttons: Lock, Unlock and Boot
Transponder: ID48
Frequency: 433 Mhz
Battery Type: 2032 
Key Blade: Included 

Suitable for the following models:



The key will need to be programmed before it will start the car. Please see the following guidance for who will be able to program this key type.


Who can program this key?
Authorised dealer or agent – No
Independent garage – Possibly
Specialist auto electrician – Yes
Professional vehicle locksmith – Yes

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